Freitag, 19.02.2010
Stadtpark Nacht
Canson live / GS & Morris Audio, Zürich
Wandler / Motoguzzi, Zürich
Markus Lindner / Stadtpark Musik, Wien
Jokl / Stadtpark Musik, Feldkirch
Amar Derradj, alias Canson, was born 1976 in lovely Zürich, Switzerland. Canson came in touch with electronic music in 1993.
Music and electronic media had always been topics in his life in which he was very interested. Since he has bought his first synthesizer
in 1994, Canson can be designated an integral part of Zürichs underground dance scene. His first release followed in 2000, collaborating
with Cosili on the label: Stattmusik. First live gigs in the prestigious: Rohstofflager club took place; in the next year the both artists played as: Anatol in other famous clubs such as the: Robert Johnson (Frankfurt), Batofar (Paris), WMF (Berlin) and others. In 2002 he started his
solo project: Canson with his first release: One all on Stattmusik. In the same year, he founded the label: Handheld with two friends,
which received positive feedback all over the media and DJ landscape. Furthermore his output found a home on: Sub Static or Morris Audio.
In 2009 Canson is on tour again, his live set consists of very subtle, refined and colourful elements just like contemporary minimal and techno music should sound like.
Wandler is Michael Stutz, a Zurich based producer and dj since 2001. he is known for his energetic and powerful live and dj performances. Born 1975 in Zofingen, a place in the middle of switzerland, wandler started to produce electronic music with the age of 17. Influenced by the cold and static sound of the 80's and the techno/dub music of the 90's, he has developed his own style, which has become a brand in the techno/minimal scene of Switzerland.
@ Club Planetarium / Oswald-Thomas-Platz 1 / 1020 Wien ab 22.00H
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