Sebastian Oberthür: EU Leadership on Climate Change. Responding to Internal and External Challenges
Lecture Series: Climate Politics and International Solidarity after Copenhagen
EU leadership in the international fight against climate change was shaken at the Copenhagen Summit in 2009 which failed to establish a post-2012 agreement. As the geopolitics of climate change evolve, the Europe struggles to reinvigorate its leadership. Which steps can and should it take domestically to this end? Which international alliances hold promise for the EU to promote a much needed upgrading of climate protection world-wide? And: What are the crunch issues that need to be addressed in order for the EU and its partners to engage in "effective multilateralism" on climate change? These are some of the key questions climate expert Sebastian Oberthür will address in his lecture.
Sebastian Oberthür is the Academic Director at the Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussels.
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