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English Overnight Camp Salzburg 2013
Ages: 9 - 14
Date: July 21st - July 28th
Arrival/Check in: 16:00
Location: Land Salzburg
Saliterergasse 271
5541 Altenmarkt
LETA – Learn English Through Action Summer Camp in Salzburg offers your child an all-in-one-program designed to entertain your child during summer. This summer camp is all about actively learning and experiencing the English language whilst having loads of safe fun during the different activities! Further, our English camp gives children the opportunity to gain self confidence, independence, friendship skills, environ-mental awareness and the possibility to experience adventure, and last but not least do sports. During the English camp there will be 20 hours of English lessons in the mornings.
Our experienced trainers are English native speakers. Children will be supervised by our trainers in small groups so each child can experience individual attention.
This camp is going to be action packed with many educational, adventures and fun activities.
Included in our fees are:
(beach volleyball, football, cycling, basketball and swimming)
Educational adventures (Erlebnispädagogik)
Raft building at the Badesee (Flossbau am Badesee)
Torchlight hike (Fakelwanderung)
Swimming at the waterpark
Outdoor barbeque
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks
Educational materials and crafting fees!
Extras horse riding & tennis
(price on request)
Price: EUR 489,- incl. 20% VAT per week
Siblings receive a 10% discount
Download Summer Camp Folder
Download Registration Form/Anmeldung
Contact information and bookings:
E-mail: info@leta.co.at
Telephone +43 (1) 664/1163140
Fax: +43 (1) 892 19 42
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