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PSYBOX pres. ***JUNO REACTOR*** Live in Concert & ZEN MECHANICS
***JUNO REACTOR*** - Live in Concert soon @ VAZ Hafen Innsbruck!
(New Album release)
“The Golden Sun Of The Great East”
Release April 2013
***ZEN MECHANICS*** - Live & DJ Set 3 Hours Special
Natürlich die Musik, aber auch die spektakuläre Bühnenshow und Performance der Kult Band JUNO REACTOR begeistern Jung und Alt auf der ganzen Welt! Pünktlich zum neuen Album Release "The Golden Sun Of The Great East" kommen sie nach Innsbruck und geben uns die Möglichkeit diese Weltband hautnah in Österreich Live in Concert zu erleben! Umrandet mit spektakulärer Visual, Lightshow und Deko von EXTRADIMESIONAL SPACE AGENCY verspricht es ein absolutes Highlight in der Konzertgeschichte Österreichs zu werden!
Get ready for one of the most amazing and unique Band experiences on this Planet! 20 Years on Stage from Tokio to South-Amerika this band astonished the audience world wide!
Matrix Movie Soundtrack, Toyota and many other global gamers worked with them together and so underpin their genius in creating unique soundtracks!
► supported by ***ZEN MECHANICS*** (Live & Dj Set)
► amazing Stageshow, Light and Visuals by
► ***Extradimensional Space Agency***
► highclass technical equipment and line array soundsystem for
► highest sound quality experience!
★★★ JUNO REACTOR ★★★ Full Band Live Perfomance
(Metropolis Records / UK)
supported by:
(Neurobotic Rec. / NL)
Tribal Intro Dj Set by
(Psybox Music / AUT)
VAZ Hafen
Innrain 149
6020 Innsbruck
Presale 25,- EUR (VVK bei allen Oeticket VVK-Stellen)
@ Gates 30,- EUR
“The Golden Sun Of The Great East”
Released April 2013
The release of the new album comes with the next world tour of the band
Juno Reactor, the cross-cultural live extravaganza has become one of the most popular live attractions across the globe over the last 20 years, announced the released their new album. “The Golden Sun of the Great East” out on 23rd April 2013.
The 8th album hones the exotic mix of surging trance beats, cinematic vision and lustrous world music flavors which characterized its predecessors, from propulsive turbo-opener ‘Final Frontier’ (Toyota’s chosen track to promote their sports car “86” in a massive world wide campaign) to the evocative satellite serenade finale ‘Playing With Fire’ and its panoramic chorale of synths, strings and haunting voices. In between, tracks such as ‘Invisible’, ‘Guillotine’ and ‘Trans Siberian’ surge on mammoth waves of sparkling riffs, turbulent drums and Diva vocals, all directed by Watkins’ unique sense of drama. While ‘Tempest’ and ‘Zombie’ introduce a darker atmosphere ‘Shine’ and ‘To Byculla’ hop off the pounding beats express, to deliver a subtler strain of exotic, emotional flow. Studded with future classics, the album seems built for a stratospheric live show.
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Zen Mechanics was launched in 2002 by the multi-talented Dutchman Wouter Thomassen,
Drawing from his 12 year DJ experience, he soon caused quite a stir with his eclectic style.
By fusing elements of futuristic Trance, Progressive, Ambient & Breaks into a powerfull dancefloor-friendly and atmospheric sound, he quickly gained critical acclaim and interest from a range of top labels as varied as his output (such as Aleph Zero, Iboga, Neurobiotic, Nano, Alchemy and Flow).
Since then he's been travelling the planet nonstop, and booked for some of the world's biggest psychedelic festivals such as Boom, Glade, Universo Paralello, Sonica, Tribe, Solstice, Kaballah & Rainbow Serpent.
Besides this, Wouter runs 2 other projects, Citizen (Progressive) and Transmissions in Bloom (Ambient/Freestyle).
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