Buchungsgebühren können anfallen
For the next edition of our successfull workshop weekends, we are bringing you two international known teachers from lisbon: Miguel and Susana
They will bring their energy to Vienna to teach us 8 lessons of Kizomba, Tarraxinha & Semba :) AND join us for two partys (Friday, 11.10 and Saturday, 12.10.)
Registration is open as of now: write to info@kizomba-vienna.at
Fixed rate: EUR 60,00 per person
for a maximum of 100 (onehundred) people, so don`t be late, or you will regret it ;-)
Discounts for
participants of Kizomba Vienna workshop weekend womenpower (EUR 5,00)
couples (EUR 100,00 instead of EUR 120,00)
There can be no accumulation of discounts. In other words you can only use one discount, not two or three at the same time, otherwise we could not pay the costs.
Please notice, that we can`t give refunds if you change your mind. If you have already bought a fullpass and can`t come you can substitute another person (usually only of the same sex). Of course you would have to inform us of this change.
The registration is valid with payment to the following account
recipient: Verein Kizomba Vienna
IBAN: AT061400027210065151
If you don't know, if you got already the level, join us for a special kizomba weekend on 28 & 29 of september.
more infos here: http://www.kizomba-vienna.at/workshops_weekend1309.php
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago