BE CROOKED presents F.O.O.L.
Samstag, 13. Dezember 2014, Conrad Sohm Dornbirn
Einlass: 22 Uhr
Tickets sind ausschließlich an der Abendkassa erhältlich.
Um dieses Jahr noch einmal vernünftig Gas zu geben haben wir keine Mühen und Strapazen gescheut und keinen geringeren als FOOL zu Be Crooked eingeladen!! Dazu kommen noch unsere Freunde aus Tirol, die Wasteboys Inc. und unsere jahrelangen Supporter - die Bass Rebels von CO.MODE.
Mit diesem Be Crooked werden wir eine alte sensationelle Zeit hinter uns lassen, 2014 nochmal richtig einheizen und zugleich eine neue Be Crooked Ära beginnen. Neuer Look, neues Design - selber Sound!
13.12.14 im Kalender anstreichen, dem Chef und der Abteilung Bescheid geben, dass es nach der Weihnachtsfeier ins Sohm zu Be Crooked geht und raven bis das Christkind kommt! Cheers und cu there!
- F.O.O.L (Tasty Records / Sweden)
F.O.O.L., the alter-ego of Swedish musician Rasmus Hermansen may not be a super hero, but when he wears a mask, he becomes the protagonist of his own epic, electronic adventure. Active in the European electro craze since late 2009, this 21 year old bass music powerhouse started out under the alias Hermansen music producing progressive house until showing his true colours in heavy electronic club music, quickly following in the footsteps of his personal heroes such as The Prodigy, Boys Noize, Kavinsky and Danger. With a wide ray of musical influence and experience ranging from melodic metal, hip hop and reggae to even film soundtracks and orchestral music akin to Hans Zimmer, F.O.O.L.- short for Fuck Our Ordinary Lives, proves himself to unload an arsenal of hard hitting yet smooth bass and musical abilities among unsuspecting ears.
When it comes to image, F.O.O.L. channels his inspiration from the likes of Daft Punk, Justice, and Danger by sporting his iconic mask. This is by no means a mere change of appearance- however, but the ability for Hermansen to change face into F.O.O.L. symbolizes a crossover from our ordinary world into a futuristic, cinematic soundscape where the bass rules, and the pressures of real life slip away. With his new alter-ego in charge, F.O.O.L. makes his audience have more than just a listening experience, but a journey with him into another universe.
Over the past year, we have seen stellar releases from F.O.O.L., including both his Destroyer of Speakers EP as well as his groundbreaking Feelings EP, which featured remixes by Anzo, Chimeric, Lets Be Friends and Falcon Funk, four incredibly talented dance acts.Heading into Summer 2014, F.O.O.L. has continued his momentum in dropping hard-hitting club killers, with his release of his single “Afraid” on Tasty Records, as well as his upcoming remix Danger’s 1h30, out July 17th of this year. Keep your ears open for F.O.O.L., who will continue to turn heads with his abilities in the forthcoming months.
- Wasteboys Inc. (Knockout Audio Records / Tyrol)
- PK2 (Be Crooked)
- Trash Junk (Be Crooked)
- SquareNoize (Be Crooked)
- Bass Rebels (CO.MODE)
- Monkey.AV
- Skitch Animations
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago