Fr 18. Apr 2014, 15:00–16:00 | |
Fr 25. Apr 2014, 15:00–16:00 | |
Fr 2. Mai 2014, 15:00–16:00 | |
Fr 9. Mai 2014, 15:00–16:00 |
A spiritual life
This course is based on the “New Meditation Handbook” by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and guides us through the 21 Lamrim meditations. Lamrim is the basic practise of Kadampa Buddhism and incorporates all of Buddha´s teachings. Modern Buddhist practices will be introduced to improve our happiness, relationships, and ability to transform problems into opportunities. We can begin to discover the nature of our mind through the joyful and heart-opening path of compassion and wisdom. Comfortable and casual clothing is fine for the class. People usually sit on cushions or chairs to meditate. No other equipment is needed.
Fridays 3.00 – 4.00 pm
Series: the initial scope
18.04. Impermanence and death
25.04. Danger of lower rebirth
02.05. Refuge practice
09.05. Actions and their effects
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago