www.facebook.com/StonerRockVienna presents:
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Planet of Zeus (GR)
" Planet of Zeus are a heavy rock, southern metal band from Athens, Greece. Were formed in 2000 and since then have extensively toured around Greece, playing in every venue possible, ranging from shitholes to stadiums. Their raw , sincere and constantly evolving live performances have secured them a loyal and hardcore underground following base, which exceeds Greece's geographical boarders and has led them to sharing the stage with acts like Hermano and Brant Bjork, Monster Magnet,Karma to Burn, Eyehategod, Church of Misery. Their highly successful 2011 Greek tour, which included all Greek major cities, their participation in the Stoned from the Underground Festival in Germany and their cult music videos led to this year's sold out Planet of Zeus's Athenian concert. A concert which took place in front of an 800 people audience. "
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Krabovsky (AUT)
The band Krabovsky is a Luxembourgish/Austrian trio, which was founded in mid 2010 in Vienna. After some changes to the lineup, the unique style of this band emerged. It is characterized by the ambivalence of various rock genres (Hard Rock, Stoner Rock, Psychedelic Rock). Therefore, the style of Krabovsky can be difficult to classify, but is thereby varied and unlimited. Thus, this trio has something for almost every follower of Rock Music.
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Vokara (AUT)
Stoner/Funk/Heavy Rock Pioneers from Vienna
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Doors: 19:00
--> Bei Vokara + Krabovsky
--> www.jugendinfowien.at/
--> Überall wo es OETicket gibt (Libro, Trafik...)
Online bestellen:
FB Event: www.facebook.com/events/594139154027634/?ref=ts&fref=ts
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