Mike Scharf from Austria in the guitar, vocal and Liz Pereira from Brazil in the Flute, guitar and vocal are the Duo Vienna Brazil. Besides the come from different countries, they have one very strong thing in common: the love for the Brazilian music.
The repertory is coloured by compositions from Tom Jobim, Zeca Baleiro, Eduardo Krieger, beautiful compositions from Mike Scharf some of themost well known Vienese songs and the best of Brazilian Choros composed by Pixinguinha, Jacob do Bandolin, Ernesto Nazareth and others.
The reduced form of a duo gives Mike Scharf and LizPereira space to react and create in different rhythms sounds, counterpoint and improvisation.
Duo Vienna Brazil fulfils the space lively with highest awareness for the beauty of the moment and creates a concert full of colourful sounds and good energy.
When: 28.07.2015 // 20.00
Entrance: Freie Spende / Donations
Where: Pat A Mat, Nußdorferstraße 3, 1090 Vienna
Email: kim.serzh@gmail.com
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