Misha Luzin is a singer-songwriter from St.Petersburg, Russia. He was born in Yekaterinburg, Urals, worked as deputy chief editor in a popular weekly newspaper "Argumenti i Fakti". He eventually changed his career path from journalism to enter the music industry. To further his career he moved to Moscow and then to St. Petersburg for a new challenge.
Misha's band developed and had broadcastings on shows, TV, radio and festivals, such as "Tallinn Music Week", "Nashestvie" and many others. Misha's songs are like stories from a book or like a short romantic film. Although most of them are performed in Russian, they are easy to understand because of his catchy tunes, gentle voice and a rythm fit for dancing, from bossa to blues and funk. Misha Luzin’s first album is avaliable on iTunes store, and the next album is coming soon.
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