Das „Pat a Mat“ begrüßt die talentierte Singer/Songwriterin Petite Sanja.
Repertoire: international / World Music und pop/rock/funk/blues / eigene Songs / Improvisation und Cover von Ethno - pop - Rock - Funk - Blues songs.
Musician and author from Vienna, born in Bosnia and Herzegovina enjoys singing, plays guitar, percussions , also loves listening and creating ambiental, world and pop music. Sanja started composing and writing music since her early age of 15, where she formed her first band - punk band called Semantic. After rebellious ages of punk music, and school education, Sanja moved to Vienna at 2005, where she started her studies at University of Vienna. After a quite break in music and performing, her passion for music has been awaken in 2013, meeting Nedeljko Filipovic, guitarist of her band: The Ornaments of Talisman. In 2014, Sanja has been working on different music projects with The Ornaments of Talisman.She was also the member of the band Mandragora, where she sang back vocals.Her newest collaboration project is called Petite Collaborations. Still, Sanjas interests in music do not finish in covering, her author music is still searching for potential producers, managers and musicians.
Wann: 18.07.2015 ab 20.00 Uhr
Wo: Pat a Mat, Nußdorferstraße 3, 1090 Wien
Eintritt: freie Spende
Reservierung: kim.serzh@gmail.com
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