Diese Veranstaltung ist schon vorbei


Sa 9. Mai 2015, 20:00–05:00

Wo: Weberknecht, Lerchenfeldergürtel 49, 1160, 16. Ottakring, Wien

Altersbeschränkung: Ab 18

Eingetragen von: Agentur_Schuster

IT'S TIME AGAIN! Next bout - next afterparty!! (Bout event page Vienna Roller Derby vs. London Rollergirls Batter C Power: https://www.facebook.com/events/1592179271063272/) Some of you already suspected it… Roller derby gives you superpowers!! Bring out your spandex and wetsuits, jetpacks and helmets, masks and capes, put your underwear outside your leggings, flex those supermuscles or practice your telekinesic abilities, and party like it could save the world!! There will also be the super special option of getting a super make-over at the venue (we will take no responsibility for the awesome or inconvenient superpowers that might appear as side effects)!

Our superstar DJ*anes:


Venom in Furs & Mark Baigent

Start: 22h

Some info we’d like to share with you:

In the past we’ve had some trouble at out partys with “pushy people” who don’t respect “No” for an answer and harassed some of our guests and skaters. This is not cool and the last thing that we want is that anyone feels uncomfortable at our parties!

Therefor there will be an „Awareness Team“ at the upcoming Party at Weberknecht that will try to help you in awkward situations. The members of the „Awareness Team“ are VRD skaters and you can recognize them by their big badges in black and white that say “AWARE”. So if you feel uncomfortable in any kind of situation, do not hesitate to talk to them. They will try their best to help you! Also there will be a couple of securities who you can also talk to.

We want to make this as fun and comfortable as possible for everyone, so please remember, that we’re there for you! SPREAD THE DERBY LOVE!!