- - - ROOTS.DUB.REGGAE - - -
We are very pleased to be able to bring back the 4 SEASONS OF ROOTS (GER) for this special edition of VIENNA ROOTIKAL!
The Four Seasons of Roots is a crew that combines vintage Roots Reggae with classical music instruments!
They play a strictly vinyl selection and decorate all dub versions with two violins, one melodica and a transverse flute.
Their range of selection goes from the 50’s until the middle of the 80’s (R&B, soul, popcorn, ska, rocksteady and roots). Based in Nuremberg, Augsburg and the Bavarian forest, they run three different parties which are Purify your Heart [strictly Roots/sound system], Rootsgarden [Live Roots] and Education in Dub [Roots & UK Dub/sound system]. They have travelled long distances answering to invitations of festivals, sound system sessions and even two weddings! Familiar with the German Sound System scene, they have developed a unique style and spread a warm energy on stage providing a deep and heavy performance that can leave no one insensitive.
presented on a handbuilt soundsystem
by your hosts:
Where: Venster99, Gürtelbogen 99, U6 Alsterstraße
When: 11.12.2015, 22:00 - 5:00
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago