While using different techniques, Münster Studio & Martyna Wójcik-Śmierska come to a similar style of expression: the absence of outlines, minimal representation - and still details can be found, that add to another. They are complementing and contrasting each other - placed side by side in one exhibition.
Münster Studio.
Münster is a one person graphic design and illustration studio created in 2010, although he started making cut and paste gigposters for his own bands back in 1998-99.
Martyna Wójcik-Śmierska.
Graphic designer and illustrator from Poland. A graduate of the University of Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun, Faculty of Fine Arts with a specialization in graphic design. She lives and works in Warsaw. She designed posters, covers, prints and creates illustrations for books and newspapers.
Vernissage feat. StadtLand MC live!
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WohinTippHQ 1 hour ago