Sights & Sounds "create stark, almost - atmospheric soundscapes that are equal parts anger, aggression and artistic instrumentation" - Exclaim! Magazine. With members spanning across Canada, the quartet came together on new years 2006 simply to record a song. What ensued is a group of friends joining up with the drive and inspiration to take their music to a whole new level, free of restrictions.The nomadic members of the band, brothers Joel and Andrew Neufeld, along side Adrian Mottram and Matt Howes self produced a demo later that year which caught the attention of Smallman Records who released it as their debut EP in July 2007. Shortly after, the band hit the road in support of the release. "Sights & Sounds are truly a rare gem in a world full of deceit and manipulation. They deliver honesty wrapped in smart musicianship. The band just works, it only shows their passion as musicians that they can adapt and put together such a strong effort in a very different sound then what we are used to hearing from them" - Lucky 13.2008 saw Sights & Sounds writing their first full length album. Hooking up with acclaimed producer Devin Townsend ( Strapping Young Lad, Lamb Of God, Misery Signals, etc ) they spent 2 months on Canada's west coast in Devin's Gibson, BC recording studio. Their debut full length album entitled "Monolith" was released in 2009. and was licensed to 6 different labels around the world. Smallman Records in Canada, The Militia Group in the USA, Redfield Records in Europe, United By Fate in the UK, Stomp Records in Australia, and Asscard Records from Germany for the vinyl release.Monolith is a collection of intricate songs that straddles the line between being sonically massive while also creating a beautiful experiment in textured sounds. The result is an exceptional album full of post-hardcore and punk influences, placed seamlessly over hints of far-eastern melodies - creating songs that are as aggressive as they are imaginative. They have toured extensively through North America and Europe following the release of Monolith with bands such as Billy Talent, Moneen, Misery Signals, and more. With brand new edition David Grabowski joining S&S on keyboards, this winter ( 2011 /12 ) will see the band touring Australia and SE Asia for the first time and they will be returning to the UK and Europe.
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