Mi 12. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Do 13. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Fr 14. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Sa 15. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Mo 17. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Di 18. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Mi 19. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Do 20. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Fr 21. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Sa 22. Okt 2016, 20:00 | |
Buchungsgebühren können anfallen
Back after popular demand! Due to is sell out success in February 2016, we are performing the play in Vienna again. This show is a must see. „The actors impress“ Der Standard, „Theater Tip – With a great cast that really convince.“ Falterverlag. Pulitzer Prize winner Ayad Akhtar (Disgraced) brings us another theatrical masterpiece. In remote Pakistan, Nick Bright awaits his fate. A highly successful player at a major investment bank, Nick is kidnapped by an Islamic militant group, but with no one negotiating for his release, the prisoner must take matters into his own hands. Full of questionable alliances and moral bargaining, this European premiere is a chilling examination of how far we will go to survive and the consequences of the choices we make. Filled with wit, irony and personal conflicts often a little too close to home. How far would you go to fight for a cause?
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago