Vanity Vague 16 / 03 live:
Black Heart (Album Release)
Modelduchenne (Support Show)
Dj Sirius&Darktunes
Fluc Vienna 1020 Praterstern 5
Upstairs With Free Donation
Black Heart
Dark Pop / Albumreleaseshow / at
BLACK HEART is austrian singer/songwriter Corina Cinkl's new project. Having been in a multitude of bands since adolescence, she has worked with musicians across Europe on a variety of projects as vocalist, composer and producer (Ghost Actor, Normotone, Oppenheimer MK II, Collapsing New People, Melanoboy). Her latest collaborative effort - the industrial-folk collective BLACK EGG run by French cold-wave legend Michel Lecamp (of Norma Loy) - has brought about releases on Spanish-French label Unknown Pleasures and Berlin based label aufnahme + wiedergabe.
With its blend of influences that encompass genres like industrial, noise and folk, BLACK HEART is Dark Pop music, showcasing its range with melodic songwriting amidst an atmosphere of harsh electronic sound. On ALL IS LOST, the full length debut released on Corina's own label UNDERWAVES, this tension provides a fitting ambience for the intensely dark themes of love, loss and longing. Taking inspiration from mythology and its more tragic archetypes like Echo, Narcissus and Persephone, all eight songs explore the darker spectrum of human experience, voyaging deep into the abyss of pain and desire.
vocalsynth / at / live
MODELDUCHENNE is a young postmodern band, formed in 2014 and based in vienna, mainly using synthezisers, guitar, bass guitar and vocals.
Because of their influences by all types of wave music, postpunk, psychedelic and dark elektro, Modelduchenne creates a danceable dark sound with story telling lyrics about a postmodern feeling of losing theirselfes in searching and thinking about humankind.
In the beginning Eloise Duchenne, singer and producer, performed mostly with invited musicians at Art Shows and openings of young artists.
On that ground all begun to grow: private jam sessions with more musicians started to take place, and producing underground sound in her own little flat.
Their first Show was at the "artunancored" festival in 2014 that was taking part on a ship, a swimming stage going from Tulln to Bratislava and back with a program, that included art in every form:
painting, music, performance and film screenings.
Eloise Duchenne in a creative state of mind and with much more affort to combine her perceptions of sounds
and her dealing with daily life brought after that breathtaking first show the now official Band MODELDUCHENNE into life with Kid Raffeet, noel & Alex.
In May 2015 they performed at the "Vanity Vague" Show at fluc, playing together with "Ash code" and in June 2015 MODELDUCHENNE
played at an exhibition opening, organized and curated by Elisa Schlifke.
But her never ending progress with producing her own sounds and music in a very unique setting with costumes which are connected to all sort of pictures that are around us and inside us,
Eloise Duchenne performed a soloshow in September 2015 at "SEXESS" at Wuk with the song "I´m aware" to merge her ideas and thoughts about her feelings as a selfconfident woman,
who nevertheless has to deal with clichees about feminine stereotypes and the struggle to break with the existing images of beeing in a lost ocean full of information.
Thats why later in September 2015 she performed and played alone at the finnisage of "GIRLS".
Stay on stage. Stay on future.
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