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Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra (ES-CT/IT/FR/GR/RS/UA/ES-AN)
“Barcelona is of course a melting pot we know well from years of working with bands from this great city .. and now we work with the Barcelona Gipsy balkan Orchestra in multiple territories . Originally called the Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra the band evolved in 2015 and to reflect the much broader sound still with its original sound at its core they changed the name oh so slightly. As musicians and singers from Turkey, Slovenia, Switzerland, England, Russia, Serbia, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Iran and Israel gave their contribution to the never-ending story, the BGbO brings Klezmer, Gipsy and Balkan music to all generations of Barcelona. Nevertheless, the interaction became mutual and the city became a melting pot with so many different styles and cultures to embrace, so many ears to play for, and so many dancing feet to move. BGbO brings Catalan traditional songs to oriental rhythms, Gipsy swing to Eastern Europe, Cuban revolutionary songs to Balkan rhythms and hot Balkan and Klezmer music to the core of the Mediterranean popular scene, always looking for the authenticity and magic that legends left us.
The pot is cooking, the feast has just begun!”
Line up :
Sandra Sangiao Vocals
Mattia Schirosa Accordéon
Julien Chanal Guitar
Ivan Kovačević Double Bass
Stelios Togias Percussion
Joaquín Sánchez Clarinet
Oleksandr Sora Violin
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WohinTippHQ 10 mins ago