Your 80s Italo Workout @ fluc (upstairs) / with Stoff & The Wild Boy
on Friday August 4th, starts 10pm, Free Entry!
@ fluc (upstairs)
Praterstern 5
1020 Vienna
U1/U2 Praterstern
The Wild Boy:
fluc (oben): |
During his holiday season break, THE WILD BOY returns from his duties at POWER DISCO to climb the upstairs Fluc DJ booth, and fitness-instruct you to one of his trademark sweat-inducing workout sets. Joining him is his co-instructor STOFF, who will be injecting that extra load of Italo Disco into the overall mix, making sure that the beat goes on and on, until the aerobics class is dismissed to the showers!
It wouldn’t be Your 80s Workout without its infamous workout videos on display, where you will occasionally spot icons like Jane Fonda and Jamie Lee Curtis setting your muscular pace.
No matter if the beat has been crafted in UK, Germany or the Italian Boot, this will turn out to be your ultimate 80s dance experience!
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WohinTippHQ 21 mins ago