von Martina Morger und Wassili Widmer
Im Rahmen der Ausstellung "2. Triennale visarte.liechtenstein
Kunst ins Auge fassen"
100 Physical Pieces
Fundamental to the series is to relate our own bodies to each other and to the audience. Our own bodies are always set into a context of a simulated system. It is not only about the functionality within this context or system, but going further. The physical juxtaposition and interaction of our bodies show a coherence and relevance within the little universe we create in that very performative moment. With simple and strong movement concepts and stories of life are getting integorrated, for example: stereotypes, work, duality, antagonism, symbiosis, force, power, hierarchies.
Elements such as weight, balance, strength, mechanics, movement, walking and space build the formal core. Forces and the resulting energies become tangible and perceptible through the performances and reach out to the audience. The bodies are different in their qualities and modes of being, but they come into contact in a way that does not accentuate individual superiority but expresses the collective action or individual functionality. It is an attempt to make the field of tension of two opposite poles in the room visible and perceptible. All previous performances of this series:
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago