Eine Future Sound Premiere steht an, obwohl das Duo schon mal geplant war, nur leider wegen einer gemeinen Grippe nicht kommen konnte. Nun mit neuem Album im Gepäck kommt das Berlin/Wiener Duo in die STWST. Reich an noisigen Soundscapes und verkappter Rhythmik. Das ganze auf dem renommierten electronic Label Denovali haben die beiden eine gute Homebase gefunden.
Als local Support wird DVRST noch einen schritt weiter Richtung dystopische Zerstörung der Klänge gehen, irgendwo zwischen Breakcore und Dub...
Wælder (Denovali / DE-AT)
Wælder are moving between ambient, industrial and pop. Their rhythms and soundscapes of voices, obscure samples and distorted field-recordings build spaces of barren material and soft ground, which teem and crawl - strange and harmonious. To present their music live, Wælder are mixing analogue and digital effects with guitar, synthesizers, vocals and loops. Rhythms and atmospheres blur, dissolve and re-assemble. Their live shows are often framed by visuals, generated in collaboration with various visual artists.
Founded 2013 in Vienna by Moritz Nahold and Jan Preißler, Wælder has since played numerous concerts, collaborated with various artists and composed music for theatre, film and installations. In addition to their EPs 'Firn' and '&' they released 'Anachronie' in 2015 on the label Kreismusik. Wælder’s second album 'Non Places' will be released on 26.01.2018 via Denovali Records.
Non Places was recorded and produced in different locations at different times in Vienna and Berlin. Wælder experimented independently with their tracks, later reassembling them over the internet. The eight pieces tell this process and at the same time create an independent perspective on the process of their creation. A church organ, detuned in manuals and registers, a vacuum cleaner embedded in the sound of a piano, and precisely programmed patterns of electronic devices are just a few of the elements found on the album. The name Non Places comes from the eponymous publication Non-Lieux (Eng. non-places) by the French anthropologist Marc Augé. By means of the happenings in the specific space of Vienna / Berlin and the exchange about the nonspecific space of the Internet, the countless server rooms crossed by shared audio data have been interpreted as monofunctional places, without relation and history. If music and the process of creation are two different places, then Non Places is the gap-bridging perspective. What happens and sounds is an experiment of space, body, form and purpose.
Endlich wird es wieder wirr auf Erden. Die Performancekollaboration DVRST [dʊrst] setzt die Klinge zwischen Kunstkontext, Experimentalmusik und Clubkultur stets neu an. Pulsierend zwischen Post-Rave, Illbient und Noise und stark inspiriert vom Trance-Potential des klassischen Minimalismus treffen raue verschwurbelte Bässe auf schwere Spoken-Word-Poetry. Gesang und Rap koallieren mit dem nebulösen Zischen aus den Tiefen des Synthesizers. 83[a]\/\/4R3 [elɛkˈtroːnɪkˈvaːrə]: DVRST, die eindringliche Aufruhr im Partikularbereich. Ja, auch Panik. Keine Scham, keine Stille. No Tanzbein yet?
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