Begrüßung: Gerbert Schwaighofer (Director, Focus Area Science and Art), Simone Heilgendorff (Head, ConTempOhr), Christian Schneegass (Head, YOUNG ACADEMY of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin)
Performances: hand werk (Music: Niklas Seidl | Daniel Agi, Cologne) and Ceren Oran (Dance: Munich/Salzburg)
Podiumsdiskussion mit den KünstlerInnen
Young Academy Berlin goes to Salzburg
Four young international artists, former scholarship recipients from the Class of 2016 at the JUNGE AKADEMIE (YOUNG ACADEMY) of the Akademie der Künste Berlin, are guests of the Focus Area Science and Art for the first time. Every year at the end of April, at the close of their annual scholarship term, fellows from every artistic discipline present their work at the Agora Artes of the Akademie der Künste Berlin. Special encouragement is given to interdisciplinary work resulting from the shared three-month stay in Berlin and accompanied by activities in the scholarship program of the JUNGE AKADEMIE.
The exhibition displays transdisciplinary experimental arrangements and productions by
Rafael Jové (Media artist, Weimar)
Elena Rykova (Composer, Boston/USA)
Martina Schlusnus (Architect & designer, Munich) Niklas Seidl (Musician, Cologne)
All productions were first on view at the Agora Artes 2017 at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin
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