Di 23. Jul 2019, 08:00–18:00 | |
Mi 24. Jul 2019, 08:00–18:00 | |
Do 25. Jul 2019, 08:00–18:00 | |
Fr 26. Jul 2019, 08:00–18:00 | |
Sa 27. Jul 2019, 08:00–18:00 | |
So 28. Jul 2019, 08:00–18:00 |
Gracious and flowing movements let us feel like dancers, dancing to the sound of the breath. This is the Dance of Shiva&Shakti, the dance of polarities. Anahata Yoga is a very old and rare tradition which maintains the opening of the Heart Chakra as a connecting point between the male and female energy and represents love, compassion, balance and union.
The holistic practice combines Pranayama and Chanting Mantras while practising Asanas. That will let you experience a deeper and more powerful practice and also bring you to a new state of awareness during the movements.
Let's grow and evolve together, acknowledging our power of creation and learn to create everything for ourselves on our own, not needing anything form outside. If you want to dive deep into a holistic Anahata Yoga practice, this Immersion with the focus on Meditation is the right one for you!
Immersion Overview:
Foundational Anahata Yoga Practices:
• Anahata Asana/Vinyasa
• Anahata Pranayama
• Anahata Meditation
• Anahata Yoga Nidra
• Theory of Dosha Types
Deep Focus on:
• Philosophy of Meditations
• Origins of Meditations
• Practice of foundational Meditations
Peter Clifford is 73 years old and has more than 50 years experience of practicing and living Yoga and has been studying in India with several well known and great teachers like Swami Shankara, Swami Sarasvati, TKV Desikachar, AG Mohan, BKS Iyengar and Rishi Nityabhodananda.
This Immersion is going to take place in the wonderful alp-city Dornbirn surrounded by mountains. The Immersion has a tuition of 50 hours and you will be rewarded with a certificate after the completiton of the course.
This Immersion is addressed to Yoga Teachers and advanced Yoga practitioners or to anyone who is inspired by and resonates with the content.
For more information, visit the website:
or write an email to: dunja.santner@gmail.com
Spaces are limited, so booking is essential!
Total Fee for the Immersion is 530 € including:
- 6-Days Immersions
- Tea&Coffee in the breaks
- Snacks & Fruits in the breaks
The Immersion is going to take place in Dornbirn, there are plenty of hotels, hostels, campsites and AirBnB´s. There is also a Kolpinghaus as well as a Sportcenter offering rooms. If you need help with booking an accommodation, please let us know.
If you are on budget, we will find a solution for accommodation that suits you.
Treat yourself divinely.
Hare Om tat sat.
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WohinTippHQ 41 mins ago