ECHOLOT (CH - Progressive, Stoner, Psychedelic, Doom)Echolot ist progressiv, psychedelischer Doom in Powertrio-Gestalt. Verspielte, psychedelische Soundlandschaften fliessen magmatisch zäh vor sich hin und warten nur darauf, in supersonischen Rifflawinen auszubrechen.Bees Made Honey in the Vein Tree (DE - Psychedelic, Doom, Shoegaze)Bees Made Honey in the Vein Tree is a Psychedelic Doom band from Stuttgart, Germany. Founded in 2014, the contrast between bright and eerie, beautiful and heavy, quickly became an inseparable part of their sound. While being mostly oriented towards instrumental compositions, they add vocals that act as an additional instrument and add a visual layer through the lyrics. Their debut record Medicine captures the sound perfectly with its contrasting elements and even paints all the shades in between. This 'medicine' may not cure you, but it will take you on a journey and envelop you in its atmosphere.Nach den Konzerten JAM SEESSION
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WohinTippHQ 20 mins ago