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Im Rahmen der EuroPride Vienna 2019
Teilnahme: € 19 (12€ ermäßigt)
Treffpunkt: WMW Forum
Aaron Porter
Aaron Porter wuchs im East Grinstead der 90er Jahre auf und auch wenn er es gewollt hätte, er passte nicht in sein Umfeld. „Ich wusste, ich war anders als alle anderen, aber anders zu sein machte mir nichts aus.“ Aaron’s Songs handeln von seinem Leben, Sexualität, gebrochenen Herzen, der Herausforderung zu zeigen, wer er wirklich ist sowie von toxischer Maskulinität.
Sanni Est
Die in Berlin lebende Multimedia Künstlerin und trans*feministische Aktivistin Sanni Est aus Olinda, Brasilien stellt mit ihren “war-cry” Vocals und brodelnden Synths die Cis-Eurozentrische Musikszene auf den Kopf. Ihre Musik ist inspieriert von verschiedensten Einflüssen wie Teto Preto, Thom Yorke, Portishead und Afro-brazilian Percussion.
Dacid Go8lin
Dafina Sylejmani alias Dacid Go8lin ist Rapperin, Produzentin, DJ und bildende Künstlerin. Vor allem aber ist sie Gründerin von FEMME DMC, einem rein weiblichen Kollektiv, das sich voll und ganz dem Hip Hop in all seinen Elementen widmet.
Foto: © Matea Acimovic
In cooperation with EuroPride Vienna 2019.
Participation: € 19 (12 € reduced)
Meeting point: WMW Forum
Aaron Porter
“Infectious electro-pop and sexually charged R&B that embraces with elegance.” - The Line Of Best Fit
Growing up in East Grinstead in the 90s, Aaron Porter couldn’t fit in even if he’d wanted to. “I obviously knew that I was different from everyone else” he states, “But being different was never much of an issue to me.”
Aaron’s songs are all based around his life and the things he has learnt to deal with from heartbreak to sexuality to his internal struggle with showing who he really is and the effects of toxic masculinity. Welcome to the world of Aaron Porter, where different is better.
Sanni Est
“Look What Your Love Has Done To Me: postcolonial perspectives on love, gender, nationality and belonging, from rising trans*feminist star Sanni Est”
Sanni, a´multimedia artist and trans*feminist activist from Olinda, Brazil and based in Berlin, is set to turn the cis-eurocentric music scene on its head with her war-cry vocals and seething synths. ‘War In Her’, the debut album by Sanni Est, was released on Friday 13 April. Drawing inspiration from such diverse influences as Teto Preto, Thom Yorke, Portishead and Afro-brazilian percussion, the title track’s effusive, otherworldly melodic layers belie the darkness of its subject matter.
Dacid Go8lin
Dafina Sylejmani aka Dacid Go8lin is a rapper, producer, DJ and visual artist. Above all, she is the founder of FEMME DMC, a purely feminine collective and event dedicated to Hip Hop in all its elements. In 2003 she moved from Kosovo, she moved to Austria. Her work takes place mainly in Vienna, but she makes her way across national borders both as a solo artist and with her collective. In September 2018, her first self-produced EP "QART" got released.
Photo: © Matea Acimovic
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