Keine Geringeren als die Dark/Black Metal Protagonisten - Portugals finest MOONSPELL und die griechischen Dark/Black Götter ROTTING CHRIST haben sich dazu entschlossen, gemeinsam Europa zu touren, was definitiv ein 'must see' Konzert für Freunde dunkler Musik bedeutet. In 50 Städten in mehr als 25 Ländern werden Fans in den Genuss dieser einmaligen Konstellation kommen!!MOONSPELL dazu: "MOONSPELL is eager to embark on this epic trip around ALL Europe and to team up with our Southern brothers, the one and only ROTTING CHRIST. We'll be finally presenting our 1755 full production on stage and we'll be escaping from the studio, as we are writing and recording what will be the next MOONSPELL album. So it's time to meet our fans again, kill the pack's hunger for more MOONSPELL and take our theatrics into the road to give you ghouls the spell you've been waiting for."ROTTING CHRIST adds:"Dear Metal brothers and -sisters, This is Sakis, on behalf of my band I can now proudly anounce one of our longest tours ever in the European territory in order to support our brand new album "The Heretics" in 2019. 50 shows in a row together with one of our oldest friends and fellow travellers in the scene Moonspell. I feel like promising not less than a hell of show every night. Stay tuned for updates and look forward to seeing you all in the battlefield.NON SERVIAM"Den Abend werden SILVER DUST eröffnen.
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WohinTippHQ 17 mins ago