Kräftige Farben, saftige Nuancen, weiche zarte oder tiefere Töne... und vieles mehr in einer Gruppen - Ausstellung mit:
Natalia Alatortseva, Anastasiya Velikaya, Tatiana Gart, Lidiya Doukhnevitch, Marina Kiselyova, Svetlana Lanse, Victoria Mezenova, Marina Protsenko, Anna Suprunenko, Svetlana Chernysheva, Maxim Shirshin
Eleven botanical artists from Russia, Belarus, Slovenia, Germany and the United Kingdom are excited to present their first group exhibition in Europe. Botanical art is rooted in rich tradition and has been recently growing in popularity around the world.
More than 50 exhibited works reveal the variety of the Plantae kingdom as well as the connection between plants and people through art. Each painting tells one-of-a-kind story of a plant's life, captured with skill and passion.
The show features watercolour artworks, elegant interior bas-relief gypsum panels, and sterling silver jewellery made out of real plants. The range of presented subjects includes wild and garden flowers, alpine flora, blossoming trees, and mushrooms.
We invite you to celebrate Spring with us and be inspired by the beauty and diversity of Nature!
Offizielle Eröffnung: Dienstag, 24.03.2020, ab 19:00 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 23.03. – 3.04.2020
Öffnungszeiten der Galerie: Di.-Fr. 15 - 19 Uhr, Sa. 12 - 17 Uhr
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WohinTippHQ 2 hours ago