The ongoing coup against American democracy raises serious concerns for democracy worldwide. In this talk, Stanley argues that the history of the United States, as well as its present situation, justifies these concerns. More specifically, Stanley argues that the anti-democratic form that is emerging in the United States is a kind of racial fascism. Europe should prepare for the possibility of a fascist United States.
Jason Stanley is the Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy at Yale University. The author of Know How, Languages in Context, Knowledge and Practical Interests and How Propaganda Works also writes for publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Review, The Guardian and Project Syndicate. He is currently working with David Beaver on the forthcoming book Politics of Language: An Essay in Non-Ideal Theory, and during his stay as IWM Visiting Fellow, on Fascism as a Social Kind together with Susanna Siegel.
Marci Shore, Associate Professor at the Department of History at Yale University and IWM Visiting Fellow, will introduce the speaker and moderate the discussion.
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