Diese Veranstaltung ist schon vorbei


Mi 29. Mai 2024, 19:00–20:15
Mi 5. Jun 2024, 19:00–20:15
Mi 12. Jun 2024, 19:00–20:15
Mi 19. Jun 2024, 19:00–20:15
Mi 26. Jun 2024, 19:00–20:15

Wo: Kadampa Meditationszentrum Österreich, Schleifmühlgasse 15, 04. Wieden, Wien

Altersbeschränkung: Alle Altersklassen


  • +43 1 911 18 41: €10,00

Eingetragen von: aloisrre


Drop-in english meditation class with Gen Kelsang Palden, Wednesday 19:00 – 20:00

Please note: The courses on Wednesday 22nd and 29th of May are cancelled due to the International Spring Festival.

Join Gen Palden, Buddhist monk and resident teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Austria, for two guided meditations, and a short inspiring talk on how we can conjoin our daily activities with positive attitudes and spiritual perspectives that transform our daily life into the spiritual path – the path to true happiness that comes from within.

Next Topic (05.06. – 26.06.): Finding Emotional Freedom – The Four Noble Truths

In our hectic world, moments of happiness often seem fleeting, while inner peace appears elusive. Negative mental states like uncontrolled desire and anger create endless problems and hinder us from fulfilling our deepest desires.

Buddha’s timeless teachings of the four noble truths offer a clear and simple solution. They guide us toward an oasis of peace and happiness within our hearts.

What to expect?

--> two calming meditations
--> a short talk with simple and practical tips
--> (optional) some discussion after the class with like-minded people
and Gen Palden

The Meditation Teacher
Picture of Gen Palden
Gen Palden

Gen Kelsang Palden is a Buddhist monk and the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Austria.

He began his studies of Kadampa Buddhism in Dresden, Germany and since then has been committed to practicing Buddha’s teachings given by his spiritual guide Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Gen Palden has been ordained since 2009 and has taught extensively in the Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He is loved and admired by his students because of his practical knowledge and warm presentations, authentic teachings, as well as his natural joy and sense of humour.

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