Buchungsgebühren können anfallen
Seminar in ENGLISH!
Your life (job, money, partner, health) is not going well because fears, problems, depression, aggression, KARMA, PCR-Test & COVID-vaccination are stopping, blocking, manipulating you?
Do you have inexplicable pain or house, property, sleep problems?
Are you looking for your life plan, your purpose in life?
Such energetic problems can be solved „automatically“ through SOUL LANGUAGE, HEAT-Language, our primal-Language. Known from AVATAR, elf & angel language, Pentecost event. Heart opening, energetic cleansing, forgiveness happen. Normalization on an energetic, spiritual & physical level can take place.
SEMINAR: YOU too can learn & reawaken your intuitive SOUL LANGUAGE / primal language, in order to help YOU and your enviroment, people, animals & nature.
Seminar content:
Examples of Soul language, karma, forgiveness, victim / predator
Several intensive energetic individual & group cleansings
Cleansing of individual life- & energy blockages
Exercises to learn / awaken your SOUL LANGUAGE / primal language
Michael König-Breuss reactivated this gift in 2010 and since then has experienced extraordinary things in his privat & professional life, in lectures, seminars and treatments!
Fr. 28. - So. 30. June 2024:
ONLINE via ZOOM-Meeting
Seminar in ENGLISH!
Time: Fr. 5 pm - 9 pm / Sa. 9.30 am - 6 pm / So 9.30 am - 6 pm CET / EUROPE
Registation: termin@gsundsi.at, +43 664 4035763
Costs: $ 450.– incl. Skript, certificate (-10% for couples & students, repeaters -50%)
Course, trainings, treatment-videos: www.MichaelSoulLanguageHealing.com
Products: www.gsundsi.at/en
Museum der Moderne Mönchsberg, Stadt, Salzburg
So 30. Jun 2024 17:00
Museum der Moderne Mönchsberg, Stadt, Salzburg
Fr 28. Jun 2024 17:00
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