Immersive visual experiences are being demanded in many applications, from entertainment to medical applications. In this context, Light Filed (LF) technology is being explored to provide solutions in some areas. Despite the ability of LF cameras to capture 3D information from a scene in a single shot, an enormous amount of data is generated, causing serious challenges in terms of processing and transmission. This lecture intends to present the technologies of acquisition and display of light fields, representation and encoding of data, as well as some applications.
Sérgio M. Maciel de Faria - Full Professor (2016) from the Dep. of Electrical Engineering of Polytechnic of Leiria. Obtained the Ph.D. degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from University of Essex, UK, in 1996 and Agregado by IST, University of Lisbon, in 2014. Former vice-president of Polytechnic of Leiria (1997-99). Head of the IT Leiria site (2014) and former Head of the Multimedia Signal Processing Group in Leiria. Teaching chairs are in the fields of Image Coding, Digital Signal Processing and Microprocessors. He is Senior Member of the IEEE.
His research work spans 2D/3D Image and Video Processing and Coding and Medical Imaging. He is co-inventor of 2 patents, co-founded a Tech startup, co-author of 1 book, 14 book chapters and 200+ publications in international Journals and Conferences. He participates in the MPEG and JPEG activities and has (co)oriented 25+ MSc students and 11 Ph.D. students. Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Image Processing and Associate Editor of Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier.
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